MELISSA HODGMAN, Racist SEC Enforcement Staffer Wants Pay Raises, Not the Truth

MELISSA HODGMAN, the racist SEC bureaucrat wants money, not justice MELISSA HODGMAN, the notorious SEC enforcement staffer known as a racist fraudster is licking her wounds suffering from the latest defeat in New York federal court. In March 2017, the well-regarded federal judge P. Kevin Castel DISMISSED all SEC’s fabricated charges against Japanese lawyer William Uchimoto, a trumped-up case directed by MELISSA HODGMAN to skin the Asians. For more than two years, the 62-year-old William Uchimoto has kept his head low, and spirit high, trusting the honorable court and American justice would eventually give his clean name back. In September 2015, … Continue reading MELISSA HODGMAN, Racist SEC Enforcement Staffer Wants Pay Raises, Not the Truth