Sex Lies and Impotent FINRA Regulator JEFFREY BLOOM Missed New Bernie Madoff JEFFREY BLOOM is a FINRA bureaucrat and an impotent regulator duped by the new Bernie Madoff fraud. Investigations ...
DAMARIS DEERE COLHOUN is a struggling Columbia Journalism Review part time writer can’t make her rent payment in Brooklyn, she picks up the phone and calls her dad Michael Deere Colhoun in ...
DAMARIS COLHOUN, COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW KNOWS ABOUT SEX TOYS What is a better way to compensate a miserable dull life, a jobless market, a poor skill set and lousy sex? ...
STEVEN SUSSWEIN, IMBECILE SEC STAFFER PROHIBITS AMERICA’S GRANDMAS FROM GIFTING THEIR SHARES The obscure SEC staffer STEVEN SUSSWEIN is the latest example of a dumb government worker lost his head ...
CHRIS BRUMMER, THE UNQUALIFIED CFTC NOMINEE, A CRIMINAL MICHAEL MILKEN LACKEY, GERMAN SAUSAGES Money and political influence are hijacking the American politics again. The latest choice of an unqualified Commodity ...