global warming
TYPHUS IS MAKING A STRONG COMEBACK IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, SPREAD BY FLEAS One of the stranger things happening in recent years (besides the pandemic and all that entails) is ...
24 GOP LED STATES COLLECTIVELY SUE THE EPA TO STOP NEW BIDEN WATER PROTECTION RULE Republicans efforts to hit two birds with one stone intensified this past week, the two ...
SOME ARE UP IN ARMS OVER $20 MILLION “JESUS GETS YOU” SUPER BOWL ADS Today is Super Bowl Sunday! It’s a cause for excitement, every year. Being a football fan ...
GAS STOVE MAKERS HAVE HAD A HOME POLLUTION FIX THEY HAVEN’T USED FOR 40 YEARS The fact that gas stoves pollute into people’s homes has been big news over the ...
TED CRUZ TAKES AIM AT XBOX POWER SAVING DEFAULT FEATURE TO SCORE POINTS WITH GAMERS It’s hard to understand just how desperate politics has become if you don’t see the ...
CURRENT AVIAN FLU OUTBREAK SEES 140 MILLION BIRDS KILLED IN U.S., EUROPE AND UK Avian Flu has been back in large scale since last October. The outbreak is so severe ...
INTERNATIONAL SPERM COUNTS CONTINUE DROPPING, AND THE PACE GETS FASTER It’s been 5 years since a study made the stunning discovery that sperm counts had dropped an astounding 50% between ...
JESUS FIRST-PERSON-SHOOTER AVE THE WORLD GAME AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD There are almost as many video game themes as there are stars in the night sky. There are games for all ...
WHY DID THE FBI AND AIR FORCE RAID AN OLD PODCASTER WHO COVERS AREA 51? When a government agency overreacts in how it flexes its authoritative power, it tends to ...
HARVARD UNIVERSITY MAKES BOLD MOVE AT LAST, IS DIVESTING $41 BILLION FROM FOSSIL FUELS So for the casual reader, this may seem rather unexpected. Harvard University is divesting $41 Billion ...