Tag: Columbia Journalism Review
CHRIS BRUMMER, the notorious Georgetown Law Professor known as Dr. Bratwurst was dumped into the trash by President Trump, after being ditched as an Obama ...
MELISSA HODGMAN, the racist SEC bureaucrat wants money, not justice MELISSA HODGMAN, the notorious SEC enforcement staffer known as a racist fraudster is licking her ...
DAMARIS DEERE COLHOUN is a struggling Columbia Journalism Review part time writer can’t make her rent payment in Brooklyn, she picks up the phone and calls her ...
DAMARIS COLHOUN, COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW KNOWS ABOUT SEX TOYS What is a better way to compensate a miserable dull life, a jobless market, a poor ...
SOUTHERN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING FOUNDATION (SIRF) IS A TOTAL SHAM FOR RODDY BOYD Tabloid writer Roddy Boyd is “dancing” in the regulatory spotlight again. This time, ...