CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMAN SWORN IN WITH IS HAND ON SUPERMAN COMIC #1 It’s hard to remember, but the United States doesn’t actually require elected officials to swear on a Bible as ...
WELLS FARGO INDIA FIRES VICE PRESIDENT AFTER REPORTS HE URINATED ON ELDERLY WOMAN ON FLIGHT The Vice President of Wells Fargo in India is suddenly on the job market after ...
ENGLISH MEDICAL PRACTICE SEND TERMINAL CANCER DIAGNOSIS TEXT INSTEAD OF HAPPY HOLIDAYS Have you ever sent a message to the wrong person? Or, rather, the wrong message to a LOT ...
FBI NOW RECOMMENDS EVERYONE USE AN AD BLOCKER IN PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT I’ve been aware of ad blockers almost as long as they’ve been available, which is now quite some ...
TENNESSEE ROWAD WORKERS WENT TO COLLECT ROAD SALT TO DISPERSE, AND FOUND A HUMAN HEART The winter months have arrived, and many states are already facing severe winter storms across ...
THE EUROPEAN UNION WILL FINALLY PHASE OUT THE LONG REQUIRED AIRPLANE MODE Airplane Mode has always been somewhat of a mystery to me. I’m just old enough that I remember ...
INTERNATIONAL SPERM COUNTS CONTINUE DROPPING, AND THE PACE GETS FASTER It’s been 5 years since a study made the stunning discovery that sperm counts had dropped an astounding 50% between ...
JESUS FIRST-PERSON-SHOOTER AVE THE WORLD GAME AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD There are almost as many video game themes as there are stars in the night sky. There are games for all ...
WHY DID THE FBI AND AIR FORCE RAID AN OLD PODCASTER WHO COVERS AREA 51? When a government agency overreacts in how it flexes its authoritative power, it tends to ...
USPS ISSUES WARNING IT IS NOT SAFE TO USE BLUE MAILBOXES THIS HOLIDAY SEASON The United States Postal Service has made a stunning warning, telling everyone the it does not ...