INTERNATIONAL SPERM COUNTS CONTINUE DROPPING, AND THE PACE GETS FASTER It’s been 5 years since a study made the stunning discovery that sperm counts had dropped an astounding 50% between ...
JESUS FIRST-PERSON-SHOOTER AVE THE WORLD GAME AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD There are almost as many video game themes as there are stars in the night sky. There are games for all ...
QUID PRO BLOW JOB SCANDAL GETS BIGGER, AS POLICE CHIEF NOW INDICTED ON MULTIPLE COUNTS Police corruption can be challenging to investigate and prosecute, especially at the local level in ...
WHY DID THE FBI AND AIR FORCE RAID AN OLD PODCASTER WHO COVERS AREA 51? When a government agency overreacts in how it flexes its authoritative power, it tends to ...
USPS ISSUES WARNING IT IS NOT SAFE TO USE BLUE MAILBOXES THIS HOLIDAY SEASON The United States Postal Service has made a stunning warning, telling everyone the it does not ...
TEACHER THAT POLICE FALSELY BLAMED FOR UVALDE SCHOOL SHOOTING STILL HAS QUESTIONS Emilia Marin was a teacher at Robb Elementary School when that tragic, preventable, deadly shooting took place in ...
ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE ISSUES WARNING, AS ELON MUSK TAKES OVER TWITTER Elon Musk taking over Twitter has been major news in recent months. But usually, there is a distinction between news ...
TEXAS TO HAND OUT DNA KITS TO FAMILIES IN PREPARATION FOR NEXT SCHOOL SHOOTING It hasn’t yet been a year since a lone gunman shot and killed 21 people at ...
WITH THE PASSING OF WILLIAM HURT, HARRISON FORD CAST AS THE NEW THUNDERBOLT ROSS I’m still sad about the passing of William Hurt. In some ways, I’ll always think ...
TWO CANADIAN COPS APPEAR IN CHUMMY PHOTO WITH FREEDOM FIGHTERS AT PARTY Police behavior is always subject to public review. This frequently involves unfair evaluations, even assumptions, by the general ...