Breaking News
TWO CANADIAN COPS APPEAR IN CHUMMY PHOTO WITH FREEDOM FIGHTERS AT PARTY Police behavior is always subject to public review. This frequently involves unfair evaluations, even assumptions, by the general ...
DESPITE CRACKDOWN, PROTESTORS HACK IRANIAN STATE TELEVISION TO RECRUIT The latest round of protest in Iran has taken the form of protestors hacking the official Iranian State TV, live on ...
CHRISTIAN COOPER LANDS DREAM JOB 2 YEARS AFTER CENTRAL PARK KAREN SCANDAL Remember way back in the year 2020, when Karen was still a term we were learning to coin? ...
OHIO REPUBLICAN THINKS WE SHOULD TEACH HOLOCAUST HISTORY FROM A NAZI PERSPECTIVE Pushing boundaries politically has always been a part of the American dialogue. Both sides of the aisle in ...
IN ELIZABETH HOLMES CRIMINAL TRIAL, PROSECUTORS SAY THERANOS STOLE $400 MILLION FROM OLD MONEY FAMILIES So some salacious and brutal details are emerging from the criminal trial of Elizabeth Holmes, ...
DISTURBING SURVEY FINDS THAT 21 MILLIONS AMERICANS SUPPORT VIOLENCE TO RESTORE TRUMP TO WHITE HOUSE Sometimes numbers don’t quite capture a reality in a way that is meaningful for people. ...
HARVARD UNIVERSITY MAKES BOLD MOVE AT LAST, IS DIVESTING $41 BILLION FROM FOSSIL FUELS So for the casual reader, this may seem rather unexpected. Harvard University is divesting $41 Billion ...
WITH THE ADVENT OF DONALD TRUMP, BOTTOM FEEDER JIM BAKKER BACK IN SNAKE OIL BUSINESS So I’m simply amazed, and not in a good way, that Jim Bakker is still ...
CHESS TOURNAMENT PLAYERS THINK SO HARD, THEY BURN 6,000 CALORIES IN JUST A DAY I’ve never, ever been one of those people who counts calories. Yet I’m sympathetic to the ...
TENNESSEE CARES MORE ABOUT VACCINATING CATTLE THAN GIVING PEOPLE THE COVID VACCINE So what is the deal with Tennessee? Well, these days it includes a whopping case of insipidly stupid ...