Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys, Vorys Sater Seymour Ohio Lawyers Are Online Fakers

Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys, Vorys Sater Seymour Ohio Lawyers Are Online Fakers

The Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys are fakers in Ohio

Watch out readers! Some obscure Ohio country lawyers with a shady Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease are selling a bill of fake goods as the INTERNET DEFAMATION REMOVAL ATTORNEYS. Truth be told, these are phonies and fakers that want your money, but not get what you pay for.

The names of these fake Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys are prominently displayed and shamelessly marketed online: MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN, just to name a few.  Investigations revealed these so-called Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys have great abilities in the semen law (yes, it is that sticky stuff) than their legal knowledge about anything else, exposed in SEMEN IS NATURE’S PROZAC, ARE THE LADIES READY?

People living in America enjoy a fundamental constitutional right called the First Amendment – free speech for all citizens. In the digital age, all of us encounter online articles or comments that we may not agree with – whether they are topics involving politics, business or personal issues for gays or lesbians – our freedom of expression is legally protected as our human right.

Somehow the fraudulent Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys in Ohio’s tiny Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease that no one has ever heard of wants to bend the law, stroke America’s rights to free speech and muzzle the free press.

MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN shamelessly tout their abilities to “remove defamatory internet content.” Unless these Vorys Sater Seymour law firm bozos can reroute Google search engines from California to Cincinnati, Ohio, their bold claims are nothing but lies, lies and bullshit lies.

Let’s assume these Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease country lawyers are supermen or superwomen, who may possess the supernatural abilities to remove content from the internet, does it mean what is left online is in fact not defamatory? That sounds like the right conclusion. Readers are welcome to google search the names of MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN, you may be pleasantly surprised about the search results.

“Like a fake doctor who can’t heal his own sore throat, fake Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys remain who they are: fake.”

Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys, fake ads duped FINRA

Only the stupid and moronic FINRA bureaucrats could fall for the cheap ads touted by these fake Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys from Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease. FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is headed by the notorious regulatory rapists Robert Colby, Alan Lawhead, Michael Garawski, Jeffrey Bloom and the forever sleepy Myles Edwards. FINRA is the nation’s watchdog with fleas: abusers of folks that work in the financial industry. FINRA NAC, or the FINRA National Adjudicatory Council is a FINRA kangaroo court tasked with abusing its members, exposed in a Heritage Foundation report.

In 2013, FINRA NAC hired a black man named Chris Brummer to sit on a FINRA NAC hearing panel. Chris Brummer is a shady Georgetown Law Center “professor” with a fake bio as a law firm parner, also known as Dr. Bratwurst – thanks to his degree in Germanic opera, drinking beer and having sex with German women barely clothed. A self-proclaimed FINRA Uncle Tom, Chris Brummer was caught presiding over a FINRA hearing in 2014 and raping another black man named Talman Harris, exposed in GEORGETOWN PROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMER SUED FOR FRAUD, BROKER TALMAN HARRIS FIGHTS FINRA NAC ‘MEAT GRINDER.’

The LGBTQ community protested against FINRA NAC and Chris Brummer accusing them of abusing two innocent brokers, FINRA’s Robert Colby went online and found these Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys from Ohio. Anxious to muzzle the LGBTQ community and the free press,  the Ohio cowboys and cowgirls at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease – MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN rolled into high gears by filing a frivolous lawsuit and intimidating the media.

Stephen Rex Brown, a New York Daily News tabloid reporter shot back: “Tell Chris Brummer and his Ohio fraudster lawyers to fuck themselves. I am going to express myself fully.”

After a two year ordeal, MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN failed miserably. Chris Brummer was exposed as a fraudster.

In March 2017, president Donald Trump took actions to fire Chris Brummer from any affiliation with the government, exposed in an investigative story: BREAKING: PRESIDENT TRUMP DUMPS GEORGETOWN LAW PROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMER CFTC NOMINATION, FRAUD CITED.

Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys? Bullshit

Be warned! Here’s the truth: no one can control Google search results. Those things tweaked many times a day and vary from date and time, locations and subjects. Whatever is online stays online. Whoever promises they can remove internet contents are just gimmicks.

The next time when you run into something that sounds like bullshit, such as promising the impossible, like the Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys by some shady Ohio boys and girls at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, you would do yourself a big favor staying away from that Ohio garbage.

The Internet Defamation Removal Attorneys and fakers MARY C HENKEL, DAREN GARCIA, WHITNEY GIBSON, DANIEL MORGENSTERN are exposed.

TagsAARON CROWELLAbigail FairmanAlfred LittleAmerican Enterprise InstituteANNIE MASSAANTONIA APPSappealAPPEALS COURTASHLEIGH HUNTbar for lifeBILL ORBEBill ScholanderBILL UCHIMOTOBlack Lives MatterBLOOMBERGBloomberg BusinessweekBostany Law FirmBratwurstBuchan Ingersoll RooneyCapitol HillCFTCcharles SenatoreCHRIS BRUMMERChristopher ByronClarick Gueron Reisbaum LLPCleanTech InnovationsCommodity Futures Trading CommissionCONGRESSIONAL INQUIRYCravathCravath Swaine MooreCRIMINAL MICHAEL MILKENDan UchimotoDANIEL MORGENSTERNdaniel zinmanDAREN GARCIADavid B. MasseyDavid BurtonDAVID MASSEYDeer Consumer ProductsDouglas CoxDr. Bratwurstdune lawrenceED KNIGHTEdward KnightEmily ReisbaumEOS HoldingsFBI AGENT MATT KOMARFINRAFINRA ArbitrationFINRA NACFINRA National Adjudicatory CouncilFINRA PanelFRAUDFRAUD AGENT MATT KOMARFraud Alan LawheadFRAUD FINRA NACFraud Josh Braunstein SECFRAUD MELISSA HODGMANFRAUD MELISSA HODGMAN SECfraud myles edwardsFRAUD NICOLE GUERONFraud Rachel LokoFRAUD RACHEL LOKO BRUMMERFraud Rachel Loko Brummer SECFraud Rachel Loko SECfraud Robert ColbyFRAUD ROBERT COLBY FINRAFRAUD STEVEN SUSSWEINFRAUDSTERFRAUDSTER MELISSA HODGMANFRAUDSTER MYLES EDWARDSFraudster Rachel LokoFraudster Rachel Loko BrummerFRAUDSTER ROBERT COLBYFRAUDSTER ROBERT COLBY FINRAFraudster Steve Susswein SECFRAUDSTER STEVEN SUSSWEINFRAUDULENT MELISSA HODGMAN SECGary SundickGary Sussweingeneral counselGeorgetown LawGeorgetown Law CenterGEORGETOWN UNIVERSITYGERMANIC STUDIESGibson DunnGibson Dunn CrutcherGreg ClarickGreg MillerGregory A. ClarickGregory MillerInstitute of International Economic LawInternet Defamation Removal AttorneysinvestigationsInvestment Broker Talman HarrisJapanese American hero William UchimotoJohn BostanyJon CarnesJON KIBBEJordan S. CohenJosh BraunsteinJosh E. BraunsteinJP MorganLaura Boydlaw firmlawyerLee RichardsLYING FBI AGENT MATT KOMARMARY C HENKELMARY HENKELMelissa HodgmanMelissa Hodgman Patrick FeeneyMichael EmenMichael HustonMICHAEL MILKENMICHAEL R HUSTONMilbankMilken InstitutemudsharkMyles EdwardsNasdaq absolute immunityNasdaq delistingNasdaq Hearing and Review CouncilNasdaq Stock Marketnew york daily newsNICK BAKERNICOLE GUERONNihal KrishanohioPenn LawPROFESSOR CHRIS BRUMMERRachel LokoRachel Loko BrummerRachel Loko SECracial profilingracismRacistRacist Alan LawheadRACIST MELISSA HEDGMAN SECRACIST MELISSA HODGMANRACIST MICHAEL GARAWSKIRACIST NICOLE GUERONRACIST PATRICK FEENEY SECRACIST ROBERT COLBYRacist Steve Susssweinregulatory immunityRichards Kibbe & OrbeRichards Kibbe & Orbe LLPriggedRigged FINRARIGGED FINRA NACRoddy BoydSamantha BoydSaterSECsecond circuitSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONSeymour and PeaseshareholderSHORT SELLERShufro RoseSHUFRO ROSE & COSIRFSouthern Investigative Reporting FoundationStephen Rex Brownstock fraudsterSwaine & MooreTALMAN HARRISThe Heritage FoundationTracy TimbersTracy Timbers and David MasseyTrumpUniversity of ChicagoVorysVorys Sater Seymour and Pease LLPWendy Wyte SussweinWhitney gibsonWilliam Burke-WhiteWilliam OrbeWILLIAM SCHOLANDERWilliam Slatterywilliam uchimoto


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